I am very proud to announce the book Our Car as Power Plant, in which the crucial role that cars will play in our future energy infrastructure is further explained.
The full book Our Car as Power Plant can be downloaded as PDF. For Free!
Moreover, a comprehensive infrographic has been developed to visually show all the important aspects of this upcoming revolution. Check it our below!
Uw lezing op 24 november 2015 waar u ook op dit onderwerp inging, vond ik erg inspirerend. Heb uw boek gedownload om me verder in de details te verdiepen.
Ik zit zelf in het kernteam van de special interest group Groene ICT en duurzaamheid van SURF en doe bij de Open Universiteit onderzoek naar MVO in ICT intensieve organisaties. Met Europese partners ben ik medeauteur en -editor van de cursus in de link.
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