A European energy system based on 50% renewable electricity and 50% green hydrogen can be achieved by 2050. The green hydrogen shall consist of hydrogen produced in Europe, complemented by hydrogen imports, especially from North Africa. Hydrogen imports from North Africa into Europe will be beneficial for both regions. A bold energy sector strategy with an important infrastructure component is suggested, which differs from more traditional bottom-up sectoral strategies. This approach guarantees optimized use of (existing) infrastructure, has low risk and cost, improves Europe’s energy security and supports European technology leadership. In North Africa, it would foster economic development, boost export, create future-oriented jobs in a high-tech sector and support social stability.
Download the PDF: Hydrogen – The Bridge between Africa and Europe
Prof. Dr. A.J.M. van Wijk
Ir. F. Wouters
September 2019
To be published in: “Shaping an Inclusive Energy Transition”
Editors M.P.C. Weijnen and Z. Lukszo, Springer, 2020

Listen to European Commissioner Frans Timmermans during his hearing before the European Parliament, about the European Green Deal, and specifically the role of hydrogen: