‘Realizing the promise of DC Technology’

Recently I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at a conference in Prague ‘Realizing the promise of DC Technology‘. Central in the discussions there were the obstacles in the way of implementing a system-wide direct current voltage scheme, rather than the  alternating current one. A DC system promises lower transportation losses and less conversion losses to name but a few. Since for example many household appliances already work on DC, while the outlet provides AC current. To allow the devices to function, they need to convert the AC current to DC. Because of this conversion a considerable loss occurs, somewhere in the region of 0.5 to 5%.

While switching to an all-DC system provides many advantages, there are many obstacles before the switch could take place.
In the video below I talk about the paradigm-shift that a DC system could be.

*UPDATE* and the full video from the same conference:

Presentation Green Village – arrival first containers

green-village-showcaseA big step in the development of the Green Village, the high-tech testing grounds at the Delft University of technology. The first two containers have arrived; many more will follow in the months and years to come!

Find the presentation held today regarding the official opening of these first building blocks.

Update february 8, 2013
Hereby also a short (4 minutes) videoclip of this presentation:

Appearance on Dutch news show ‘EenVandaag’

I made an appearance on a Dutch news show ‘EenVandaag’ today, in an item on energy-efficient greenhouses. Check it out below (in Dutch)